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Real Estate Jobs (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-06-16 02:15:37 EDT

: $n/a

Tired of working for someone else and investing your time and energy into someone else’s dreams and vision. One of the largest communities of Real Estate Investors in the New York area is looking for a few serious individuals who have a strong desire to make money in Real Estate. If time, knowledge or money is holding you back then look no further. We have a proven system for success that works. No EXPERIENCE OR LICENSE REQUIRED. Are you ready to learn how to become financially independent within 1 to 3 years, ready to earn a six figure income? If you’re ready to build your own Real Estate Investment Portfolio so you can make $10K/month for the rest of your life, then you need to contact me. There are two parts to our business, Real Estate Investing and Marketing. We will go over all the different types of Real Estate we invest during your appointment. Let me tell you about what we do.. We have over 25 locations around the country and offices in both NY and NJ. We have people that make $1000 to $6850 promoting our business and people that make that between $5,000 to $112,000 per real estate transaction. Is this something that you are interested in?
To Learn more, please email me your name phone number and email address so we can invite you to a live event in the city.
Real Estate has always been and will be one of the top industries for wealth creation.


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PostingID: 17228094, Hits: 35475, User ID: 3

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