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FREE DISCOUNT RX CARD – Save up to 85% on medications for you, your family and your pets. (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-06-16 05:52:24 EDT

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FREE DISCOUNT RX CARD – Save up to 85% on medications for you, your family and your pets.  Print your Free card today!  610-628-9111 . 

Save Money on your Prescriptions!

Easy to use, just print and bring the card to your local .

 • Savings of up to 85% on FDA approved Brand-name and Generic medications

 • Card Pre-Activated - you can use Card Immediately

 • Free For Everyone - Card Never Expires and can be used over and over again


Who can use the card?

 • Those with no or little coverage

 • Seniors who fall into the donut hole of their Medicare Part D

 • Those with with high deductibles, non-covered , high co-payments

    or caps on their benefits


Visit our website to print your Discount Card:  FreeDrugSavings


  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 17362509, Hits: 206473, User ID: 3

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